Editor's Pick

¡Vaya Con Spanglish! Campaigns Luring Younger Hispanic Voters

In a new report from Godzillanewz, campaigns and interest groups are beginning to embrace the language of “Spanglish” in an effort to reach out to younger Hispanic voters. With the 2020 election heating up, it is more important than ever to target this demographic, as the number of Hispanic voters has risen dramatically over the past few decades. In order to better engage this traditionally underrepresented voting bloc, campaigns are turning to the hybrid language of Spanglish. This language combines Spanish and English syntax and vocabulary to create a unique cultural experience for its intended audience. For example, New Mexico Democrats used an advertisement in Spanglish during their recent primary election. The ad featured the slogan “Sí, nosotros podemos” which translates as “Yes, we can” in both English and Spanish. The use of Spanglish is also evident in campaigns that are using Tumblr, Instagram, and other social media outlets to spread their messages. With posts and videos in Spanglish, campaigns can effectively communicate their philosophies and agendas to a demographic that speaks both Spanish and English. Additionally, campaigns and interest groups are also using Spanglish in more traditional forms of media such as TV ads and radio spots. This shift in advertising enables them to reach a larger audience while also expressing a deeper understanding of the Hispanic culture. Overall, campaigns employing Spanglish are making great efforts to reach out to the Hispanic electorate. By using a language that is familiar to them, candidates can create a connection with voters that goes far beyond policy platforms. As we look ahead to November, it will be interesting to see how else campaigns can use Spanglish to engage with the Hispanic electorate.

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