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Unveiling Mysteries: Asteroid’s Hazardous Journey from Moon’s Far Side to Near Earth!

Delving into the Far Side of the Moon: Tracing the Origins of a Near-Earth Asteroid 29075 (1950 DA) is a potentially hazardous near-Earth asteroid that has baffled scientists worldwide. It peers too closely to our planet every three hundred and eighty-one years, threatening to collide with it in the far-distant future. As attempts to unearth its origins have remained unfruitful for decades, researchers have broken new ground by tracing the big rock back to the moon’s far side. The moon’s hidden hemisphere, colloquially known as the dark side due to its perpetual concealment from Earth-observing eyes, has been a subject of intrigue for scientists since the dawn of space exploration. The prevalent theory proposed that the moon formed from the debris of a massive impact between early Earth and a Mars-sized object, known as Theia. An exciting twist in this story comes with the discovery of 29075’s origin, potentially providing a more complex understanding of lunar evolution. Utilizing the radar imaging data collected in 2001 during a close pass of (29075) 1950 DA, scientists were able to study the asteroid’s rotation, shape, and properties. With further analysis, they concluded that the asteroid’s density is much lower than most asteroids — similar to the moon’s far side crust. This was the first breadcrumb leading them back to the moon. Understanding the asteroid’s comparative low density was crucial in developing the lunar origin theory. Its unusual composition, primarily consisting of plagioclase — a mineral found abundantly in the moon’s highlands — distinctly matches that of lunar samples brought back by Apollo missions. This strongly suggests that the asteroid might be a chunk knocked off the far side of the moon. The tracing of this near-Earth object back to the moon subsurface provides an extraordinary opportunity to sample the moon’s far side indirectly. Studying this asteroid could reveal the mysterious dark side’s history without sending expensive space missions across the lunar orbit. It accelerates our broader understanding of the solar system’s dynamism when it comes to asteroids and their potential threats. Considering the threat that (29075) 1950 DA poses for Earth, tracking its lunar origins helped scientists forecast its future trajectory. The ‘Yarkovsky effect’ factors into the asteroid’s orbital drift caused due to sunlight absorption and reradiation in the form of heat. Understanding the internal structure and composition of this asteroid, learning from its lunar roots

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