Editor's Pick

The Tuberville Blockade: Senate Confirms Joint Chiefs Chair!

After weeks of partisan gridlock, the U.S. Senate has confirmed the nominee to become the United States’ next Joint Chiefs of Staff chair. This appointment comes as a welcome, if temporary respite from a blockade on further military appointments by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL). The Senate voted overwhelmingly to confirm Army General Mark Milley to become the twentieth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. With almost 80 years of combined service across the branches of the armed forces, Milley stands poised to become a strong leader of the US military. Tuberville has placed a hold on any further military appointments since early September, citing what he terms “stale-dated policy and outmoded practices” in the Pentagon. In response, the White House has issued a barrage of criticism against the Alabama senator, accusing him of playing dangerous political games with vital military appointments. Tuberville has remained steadfast in his position, maintaining that he is simply following through with his promise to the American people to challenge policy within the Pentagon he deems outdated. He notes that many of the current practices have been in place since the 1950s, and that new, more efficient systems must be put into place to ensure America’s military remains the strongest in the world. Despite Tuberville’s obstruction, the confirmation of Milley marks a significant milestone for the US military. Having previously served as the Chief of Staff of the Army since 2015, Milley brings with him a wealth of experience in the highest levels of military leadership. After his appointment, he is likely to continue advocating for innovation and progressiveness within the ranks of the armed forces. The confirmation of General Milley brings a measure of optimism for the future of the US armed forces amid a difficult period of partisan discord. The White House and Congress have both expressed their hope that this new leadership can begin to bridge the gaps between the branches and ensure the safety of the American people.

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