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“Ready to Rumble: 7 GOP Candidates Square Off in Wednesday Debate!

This Wednesday night, the Republican Party is set to hold its first major debate of the 2020 Presidential election season. With the field of 2020 GOP candidates continuing to grow, seven hopefuls have been chosen to take the stage. These seven politicians come from a wide range of backgrounds and have a variety of policy proposals that are sure to be discussed during the debate. The first of these candidates is former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld. Weld, who is a moderate in the party, has promised to “bring sanity back to Washington” if elected. He has proposed policies to make college more affordable, decrease healthcare costs and supports the legalization of marijuana on a national level. Joining Weld on the stage will be South Carolina’s own Gov. Mark Sanford. Though currently in the middle of a contentious divorce battle with his wife, Sanford is a vocal critic of President Trump and his policies. Sanford is also an avid fiscal conservative and adamantly opposes Trump’s proposed tariff policies. Second to him is former congressman Joe Walsh who hopes to use his outsider status to shake up the presidential race. Walsh is an outspoken critic of Trump’s policies and has called out what he says is a “disgraceful” treatment of minority communities. Walsh is also known for his colorful Twitter feed, drawing attention to the issues he’s trying to push on the campaign trail. Also in the mix is former Congressman and current Fox News commentator, Joe Walsh. While he may not be as openly critical of the president as the other candidates, Joe Walsh is still popular with the Republican base. He has said in the past that he wants to make healthcare affordable for all Americans and promises to bring jobs back to America. The fourth GOP presidential hopeful is former Gov. of California, Rick Perry. Perry, a long-time Trump supporter and former Energy Secretary in the administration, is also a vocal proponent of fossil fuels and school choice. His opponents, however, have adamantly denounced his proposals on various subjects, including immigration. Florida Senator and libertarian favorite Rand Paul is also on the list of candidates. Paul, a known critic of big government, promises much smaller government and fewer regulations. He paints himself as the anti-establishment candidate of the bunch, and many of his policy ideas are sure to be discussed during the debate. Rounding out the list is former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Utah Senator and diplomat Jon Huntsman. Walker, much like Perry, has been a supporter of the President and is often cited as an example of a more moderate Republican. Huntsman, on the other hand, is known for his foreign policy and leadership experience. These seven primary candidates are sure to draw a knotty debate come Wednesday night. Whether it’s foreign policy, immigration, healthcare, or the economy, their exchanges are sure to be full of mudslinging and bitter criticism. The road to the White House begins here, as these seven candidates look to put their best foot forward and be crowned the 2020 GOP nominee.

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