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“India Retaliates! Diplomat Expulsion Spikes Heightened Tensions Over Assassinated Sikh Activist

India has taken a drastic step in the escalating diplomatic tensions with Canada over the radical Sikh activist Jasprit Singh. The Indian government has delivered an ultimatum to the Canadian High Commission in Delhi, ordering them to expel one of their diplomats. The move is seen as a tit-for-tat measure in response to Canada’s decision to recall their High Commissioner last week. The dispute between the two countries is linked to the murder of Jasprit Singh, a prominent Sikh activist who was gunned down in an apparent targeted killing in Vancouver in February. Singh had long-held views of fighting for autonomy within India, and this angered the Indian government. Canada has launched an investigation into the killing, but India has criticised the progress of the inquiry. The Indian government is reportedly unsatisfied with the pace of the investigation into the killing. They feel that Canada is not taking enough serious steps to investigate the matter. The government is also concerned about certain statements and actions by Canada. This has created a diplomatic row between the two countries, and now India has decided to expel one of the Canadian diplomats in Delhi. The move is a strong signal of India’s displeasure with Canada’s handling of the Jasprit Singh killing. India’s Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement that the expulsion of the Canadian diplomat was a “unilateral tit-for-tat action” against Canada. The diplomatic spat between India and Canada is likely to mount further unless a solution is found soon. Canada has condemned the decision by India, and is urging both sides to engage in a constructive dialogue to resolve the issue. However, with the current tensions between the two countries, it is unclear if a resolution will be reached anytime soon.

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