Editor's Pick

Four GOP Candidates Gear Up for Epic Fourth Debate!

Four GOP Presidential Candidates Qualify for Fourth Primary Debate Four Republican presidential hopefuls have qualified for the fourth GOP primary debate, which will be held later this month. Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Marco Rubio, have all met the criteria set by the Republican National Committee and will appear on the stage at the debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Prime-time participants must meet either polling or grassroots fundraising thresholds to qualify for the debate, which will be moderated by Fox Business Network. In order to qualify, candidates must receive at least 2.5 percent in an average of four recent polls from one of the listed sources, or receive donations from a minimum of 130,000 individual donors and an average of 400 individual donors in at least 20 U.S. states. Fiorina is the latest candidate to join the debate after leading in four polls from June 28 through August 4. Her numbers bump Donald Trump’s former Republican primary rival, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, out of the running. The fourth GOP primary debate will provide an opportunity for these four candidates to tout their agendas and credibly challenge each other. The lively rhetoric could potentially reveal new frontrunners in the race. The Fox News Channel debate takes place on Aug. 6 from 9 p.m. EST until 11 p.m., followed by a debate featuring the seven remaining contenders who have failed to reach the qualifications.

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