Editor's Pick

“Biden Charm Offensive: Reaching Key Influencers and Cutting Back on Press Interviews

In the first two months of Joe Biden’s presidency, he has been a stark contrast to his predecessor in one particular way: his approach to the press. While former President Donald Trump held regular press conferences and appeared on cable news shows, Biden has largely avoided these interactions and instead chosen to focus on more targeted means of communication. Biden has given only six interviews since his inauguration, compared to Trump’s 13 in the same timeframe. Instead, he has chosen to use social media outlets such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to get his message out. Biden has also prioritized engaging with popular influencers, both online and in person, to spread his message and policies even further. This strategy of targeting influencers allows Biden to reach the large swaths of Americans who would not hear his messages broadcasted through the traditional media outlets. Younger Americans, especially, are much more likely to be influenced by an online celebrity or public figure than soundbites from a porcelain white governor’s interview. By engaging directly with influential personalities, Biden is able to make sure his message doesn’t get filtered through an intermediary. Furthermore, Biden is able to appeal directly to certain group’s hidden agendas or interests, which are sometimes not a part of the mainstream conversation. This approach could prove to be more effective in the long-run than more conventional ways of engagement. Whether it’s negotiating policy with high-level politicians or getting young people involved in the political process, Biden has the potential to be the president that engages with the public in a whole new way and reset the perception of the presidency.

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