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‘Toxic Foam Polluting Sacred River: Delhi Battles Hazardous Crisis’

The Yamuna River, a sacred body of water that snakes its way through the northern region of India near New Delhi, has long been revered as a holy site for millions of residents in the area. But in recent days, that reverence has turned to dismay. According to new reports, the Yamuna River has been blanketed with toxic foam, a result of hazardous pollution flowing into the river from the banks of the capital city of Delhi. The thick foam has been building up along various points of the river over the past few weeks, with reports coming from residents who live near the banks of the Yamuna that it has been reaching near-unprecedented levels and creating an unbearable stench in the air. The foam is believed to be primarily composed of toxins that have seeped from the numerous veins in the water since the New Year’s festival of Holi, when firework ash and other pyrotechnic leftovers were swept into the river’s stream. The hazardous river pollution has been a problem facing the capital city of New Delhi for years, with the city’s air pollution reaching crises levels in recent months. In response to the growing foam problem, authorities in Delhi have launched a series of actions to mitigate the pollution of the Yamuna. The government is cracking down on industrial and agricultural run-off, while also imposing fines on those responsible for dumping their waste into the river. In addition to these measures, local non-profits are engaging in an upstream campaign to encourage responsible waste disposal from citizens near the river’s banks. The goal of the campaign is to reduce the amount of contaminated water entering the Yamuna while also inspiring positive environmental change. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, the issue of river pollution in New Delhi continues to worsen. In the wake of these newest reports of the Yamuna’s toxic foam coating, it is becoming increasingly clear that more significant change is needed to keep India’s sacred waterways healthy and clean.

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