Editor's Pick

Fresh Examination Sheds Light on Walz’s Management of George Floyd Protests

As the nation remains on the precipice of discussions concerning racial justice and manifesting police reforms, Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz’s management of protests following the tragic demise of George Floyd has come under increased examination. Governor Walz’s handling of the protests has been subjected to multiple criticisms and imperfections, and his steps have stoked emotions, sparked debate, and begged calls for accountability. One of the staunchest criticisms that Governor Walz has encountered is his initial response to the protesting, which began immediately following the release of the videotape depicting the brutal killing of George Floyd. The initial evening of protests spiraled into episodes of lootings and vandalism. The intensity of these protests witnessed a delayed response that led to some sectors of Minneapolis being devastated by the protests turned riots. Critics argue that the lack of timely intervention by Governor Walz helped escalate the civil unrest. Secondly, Governor Walz faced criticism for his decision to deploy the National Guard. The Guard’s arrival, though initially considered a move to maintain law and order, soon incited controversy. Accusations of excessive force usage marked the National Guard and the Minnesota Police’s joint efforts. Critics say the heavy-handed approach was perhaps disproportionate to the intensity of the protests, and escalated tensions instead of appeasing them. Moreover, Governor Walz was criticized for the lack of direct engagement or dialogue with the protesters. His decision to address the crisis predominantly through press releases and news conferences, as opposed to collating a town hall or roundtable discussion, was seen as a missed opportunity to engage in peaceful dialogue with protesters, heal the communities greatly affected, and reimagine Minnesota’s police forces’ future. Governor Walz was also criticized for his management of the information flow during the unrest. Many said his administration did a lackluster job of disseminating accurate and timely news concerning the protests, leading to rampant misinformation and panic. With the added chaos brought by COVID-19, many contended that Governor Walz’s administration needed to steer clear narratives and correct any circulating misinformation promptly. Various advocacy groups also voiced their disappointment in what they viewed as a clear lack of Governor Walz’s attempts to press charges against the four officers involved in George Floyd’s death. Many believe that a more prompt response to this demand might have quelled some of the protesters’ anger and felt like some form of justice was being dispensed. While some citizens and groups remain critical of Governor Walz, others commend his efforts to attempt peace restoration and his commitment to advancing policing

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