Editor's Pick

Battlefield Strategy: The Winning Moves for Harris and Trump in the Upcoming Tuesday’s Presidential Showdown

Body: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, two strikingly different personalities, present two distinct approaches to public policy and answer America’s calls for strong leadership. Their clash in Tuesday’s Presidential debate would not only set the tone for the remaining phase of the campaign, but also shape the future of American politics. Here are a few ways they could position themselves for a win: For Donald Trump: 1. Highlighting the Economic Achievements: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the American economy under Trump had seen a surge in growth. Unemployment was at its lowest in decades across many hardworking middle class families of America. Trump could reaffirm confidence to voters by illustrating plans to return the economy back on track post-pandemic. 2. Projecting a Leader’s Stature: In the face of the pandemic, riots, and protests, Americans are yearning for strong, assured leadership. Demonstrating his leadership qualities, Trump should stay calm, composed and engage in a meaningful discussion on policies rather than resorting to personal jibes. 3. Balance and Empathy: An area which has remained a weak spot for Trump, it may help him to show empathy towards the American people, especially on topics such as racial discrimination and the hardships faced due to the pandemic. For Kamala Harris: 1. Positioning as a Unifier: Kamala Harris, with her mixed-race heritage and professional background, can build a narrative of unity and cultural amalgamation. She needs to project herself as a symbol of an evolving, harmonious America transcending ethnic barriers. 2. Advocating Progressive Policies: Democratic party has made a shift towards more progressive policies around healthcare, environment, and social justice. Harris could tap into this shift and showcase her agenda that resonates with this evolving Democratic electorate. 3. Displaying Authenticity and Empathy: Harris can win hearts if she maintains her authentic self throughout the campaign and shows empathy towards all Americans regardless of their geographical location, race or economic status. She should particularly stress on facilitating easier access to healthcare and education and reforming the criminal justice system. 4. Articulating clear plans to tackle COVID 19: American people need a leader who can navigate them through the sea of uncertainty stirred by the pandemic. Harris must lay out specific plans to deal with the pandemic such as rapid testing measures, vaccine distribution plans, and economic relief initiatives. While the debates will show voters a snapshot of the candidates, what may determine the election’s outcome is their ability

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