
“U.S. Engine Maker Set to Cut Record-Breaking Clean Air Act Cheating Penalty

Cummins Inc., the United States’ largest manufacturer of engines, is facing its biggest ever Clean Air Act penalty. The company has been accused of cheating emissions tests and will pay a fine of $960 million dollars. The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) allegations include Cummins bypassing or disabling emissions control devices on some of their diesel engines, thereby violating the Clean Air Act. In addition, the EPA said that Cummins had sold more than 500,000 engines without disclosing the emission control device bypass existence to customers. It is believed that the massive penalty has been imposed as a warning for other companies who might consider cheating emissions tests. In a statement, EPA administrator Anne Idsal said, “The message here is that cheating on emissions tests and violating the law are serious offenses that will be paid for dearly.” Cummins Inc. has denied the allegations against them and is reported to be looking into appealing the penalty. The company has issued an apology and said they are committed to restoring a public trust in their products. Their apology included a promise of stronger oversight and improved top-level control to prevent similar breaches in future. The reality, however, is that the hefty penalty imposed on Cummins could act as a wakeup call to other companies that may consider violating the Clean Air Act in future. It also sends a message that the EPA will take necessary steps to ensure that heavy polluters face the penalty they deserve.

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